Thursday, June 2, 2011

Children's Day

Today is Children's Day in Mongolia. It's a public holiday and the city fills with children. They're all hyped up on lollies and presents and they run around playing all day. The square was chock-a-block full of people. Children receive presents (lollies) from all friends, family and work friends of their parents. My work gave all children a whole bag of lollies (as in a woolworths plastic bag; not a little one!). They love their concentrated juice, pringles and Haribo lollies. All the shops have been stocking up for a few weeks, and the shops yesterday were bare.
Green grass! Flowing water! Sunny day in UB

As for other news: yesterday at work was another day of presentations. I also squeezed in a 'hello' to all the aimag coordinators for our project (there are 21 aimags in Mongolia - kind of like provinces I guess). They represent our office and project at a local level. I introduced myself, it was translated and then we left the room to go and play volleyball. Volleyball didn't happen - I had to leave because I got sick of waiting and I had a party to get ready for.

So I bucket bathed (oh man, I am getting SO sick of it!) and then got ready for the party. We arrived late but were the first there. By midnight there were about 40 people - by 3:30am I was walking out the door, a lot drunker than I intended on being. But fun times were had!
The start of the night
Today was spent mostly laying in bed nursing a hangover. Then eating my way through the day. French Bistro downstairs for brunch. Manicure, massage (oh, I know - tough life), more food (Thai this time, but it was terrible), more chats, pizza, more chats and then a walk home.
I've been making this video of my trip to Dornod. Enjoy. xox

The video above has no sound as it was published on YouTube. Please click the link below to watch the video with the sound (it makes it a bit more exciting). It's published on Facebook but you'll be able to see it even if you're not a Facebook member.


stngcloud said...

Dear sal

Good video, its a shame about the sound. Maybe not rip off copyrighted music next time.

Would prefer you talking rather than the slides. But, i know you feel like you sound stupid talking to yourself. Its nice to hear your voice commentating...

stngcloud said...

ps i love that they are chilling out in their tradish clothes.