Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So no sex? No sex then?


I was accosted by this totally annoying and sleazy, disgusting looking pimped up Mongolian guy as I was walking to meet my friend for lunch (which was really nice, by the way).

He'd walked straight past me and I sighed a little sigh of relief - you never want people like that coming near you.

Turns out I wasn't so lucky. He came BACK. I kept walking. He wanted to know my name, I lied and told him some made up name. He shook my hand (I promptly washed it) and asked where I was from. It was all very PG and could have been friendly if he didn't STINK of sleazeball.

I told him Australia (it's a big place, I was safe to tell him that detail) and he said he spent three months in Bondi. I didn't say anything and kept walking faster and faster with my bag held tighter and tighter.

The one sided conversation progressed.

What's your phone number? I don't have one, I'm a volunteer and they're too expensive (lie)
What's your home phone number, I will call YOU? I don't have one
What's your number? You don't have ANY phone number? No.
How will I contact you? (no answer)
Your phone number? What's your phone number? (no answer)
I am a massage therapist, I can give you a massage? (I laugh) No, thank you I don't need one
You have a very attractive body.
How will I contact you? What is your email address? Anything? I don't feel comfortable giving you that.

And then, thank GOD he turned around and walked back the other direction. I regained my composure and walked to lunch.

Goodness gracious me - I don't have a clue what the hell he wanted, what he thought he'd get or what the f*** he was thinking, but he was the most unwelcome part of my day and I will definitely be avoiding that area (that I kind of generally do anyway) from now on.

Also, we still have no running water in our house. It's actually a lot more annoying that I ever thought it'd be. Houses are plumbed to have running water. So a loo that doesn't flush and drains that don't have running water down them stink. And dishes pile up and you can't wash them and then you run out of clean dishes. And there's no drinking water or shower water or water to wash your clothes. There's no taps outside and the whole block is off so I can't just 'duck next door'. Fingers crossed the water comes back on shortly!!!!

Tomorrow I'm off on another trip to Bulgan Soum (soum means like a council area) in the North West, for a work piss up basically. I'm not excited. I wish I was. The three-month blues is a well documented period of stifling homesickness and shitness, basically. So, excuse my general whingey and sorrowful demeanor, apparently by this time next month I'll be a happy chappy!

Love from Mongolia xox

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