Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Everything comes in threes?

It's hot. I went downstairs to buy a can of cold soda water. I walked out the front of the shop. Was approached by two boys (late teens) who mimcked a drinking mime - asking for a drink. I shook my head. They surrounded me, both right beside me, took hold of the can and I let them have it. They laughed, walked 10m, sat down and drank it.

In the past three weeks I have been harassed for sex, had my wallet stolen and now I've had my can of soda water stolen.

Soda water. Really. I was just about to crack it open - I had my fingernail under the pull top. They just mosied in front of me, completely disinterested until they got really close to me at different angles, one at 9 o'clock and one at 2 o'clock (if my peripheral is a clock). The one at 9 o'clock put his hand on my soda water ever-so-gently, they both had me sandwiched. I let go of the soda water and kept walking.
They laughed. Walked 10m and sat down on a step, cracked open the soda water and shared it between them.

I should be grateful they were gentle, and that they shared it. But seriously. No one even likes soda water.

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