Friday, August 5, 2011


I don't misplace things, lose things or have things stolen. And some bastard stole my wallet while I was being super vigilant. I was outsmarted and I hate it. Everything's in the works. I've got cards on their way (albeit a 5 week wait), my Mongolian ID should be happening soon and I have a card/cash to get me through the next month. I bought a new wallet but it's not as cool as my last one.

I spent Tuesday afternoon at the police station and then went to the pizza night to meet the new AYADs. Wednesday was spent organising more things - my Mongolian bank card (which conveniently had a little bit of cash in it), my Mongolian work permit. And also spending more time with the new guys looking at apartments and having lunch with them. Thursday was a bit naughty. I didn't want to go to work. I mean, I went the other two days for an hour or so but was busy doing other things. So Thursday I just didn't want to go to work. I had things to do - I had to get a refund on those extra flights dad and I had to buy because the lady booked us the wrong flights. I wanted to pick up some more slippers to send home to slipper-less feet (Mongolian slippers are the bomb) and also look in to flights to London for Christmas.

I got the refund - the lady admitted her mistake (I almost fell off my chair) and said sorry. It doesn't really make up for the shit fight dad and I had at the airport, but the money (in cash, which is useful when your wallet has been flogged) and the apology goes a fair way.

Thursday night is trivia night. It was a bit further away this time but in a nice venue. It was stinking hot in there though. I shared a bottle of wine with a friend and then the bar owner gave us another for free so now I have a hangover. Damn it. I'm pretty useless at trivia. Like, I knew it was Obama's 50th birthday yesterday but when they asked 'Which head of state has a birthday today and how old is he' I had no idea.

We're one housemate down. It had to be done. Bad vibes in that house will hopefully be eliminated and now we just have to find someone else to move in.

A blog with half disclosure is probably not as true to life. So, here goes. I'm having a pretty shit time. I feel like I'm skimming each day past by just living here, and not willing to delve any deeper. Having my wallet taken and no water in our house for 2 weeks is just the icing on the cake. I knew my 3month mark would be hard and it is. My work isn't helping. My job is to turn up to work and sit at my desk. No one has given me work, even when I ask. I fake smile all day and I make fake conversations most of the time because I can't bear to think much about how I'm actually feeling. I spoke to the counsellor we have available to us yesterday which was great. All we did was talk and there was no epiphany moments. It was more just reassurance that my plan of attack is fair and justified. I will try my hardest this month to find enthusiasm and make my work happen. I will be attentive and pushy and take lots of iniative. If by the end of the month, I still feel how I do today I will take drastic measures and find a new job in Mongolia or something like that.

Tomorrow we're going felting. I think I will make a hat. I'm not really looking forward to it because I am just still so epically tired. I think my exhaustion is mainly stemming from the fact I have nothing to do, so I may as well just rest. But I am still exhausted - I still haven't been able to go home and fix up my room, wash my sheets and just sit in my room and ponder the world. I also really want to make a dress and because my house is so stinky and inhospitable at the moment, I haven't been able to do that either. So, felting will be fun because I won't be as hungover as I am today. And then Sunday I will be not doing anything. At all. I might watch a movie and some Gossip Girl and bake some beetroot.

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