Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cups and more


Above: the results of my cupping session. I don’t feel any better for it. I just feel bruised.

Today was my first day at work this week. I’ve been pretty crook and have been finding it hard not to cough. It’s not a nice cough either and it’s pretty loud. I coughed a lot at work. But I actually did a tiny bit of work. And took some photos of UB from my work building – we’re up nice and high so we have a decent vantage point. I actually am really unimpressed with the photos. Bugger. And I don’t know how to make them any better either.


Tonight we had an official function to meet the Australian Ambassador to Korea and Mongolia. He’s lovely and has quite a large entourage. He said a short, meaningless speech and we ate lots of mini canapés and drank wine. We had to mingle, which was hard because I can’t say a sentence without coughing my guts up. Which then means I have germ-ridden hands and still have to shake hands. I feel terrible and very naughty for passing on such disgusting cough germs, but I couldn’t do anything about it. Above: the Mongolian AYADs with the Mongolian Ambassador (I’m up the back on the RHS)

My workmates wanted to know why there are so many photos of my family/other people with Nate. In Mongolia, no one is in the birthing room or whatever it’s called, except for the doctor and nurses. And up to one month after the birth, no one visits the baby or mother. And the mother can’t touch anything cold (?!?). So it was weird for them to see my parents, my sister, Brad and his family all with Nate – because it just doesn’t happen here.

I made some terrible cupcakes yesterday. The beauty of living in a country where food is just sustenance is that when you provide something different, mostly it’s new – and incomparable. Which means my shitty carrot cupcakes with too much rising agent got gobbled up – they weren’t even iced!

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