Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I tried for three days  to upload a video. It was just me talking again, about not much in particular, and showing what I’d managed to find at the supermarket and fresh market. But alas, our internet isn’t good enough and I’m sick of trying. So you miss out on that one.

So I did go to the markets for my Sunday shop. I went to four different markets and shops to get what I needed. I was sick which made it much more of a task. Everyone was actually really lovely and a supermarket attendant hailed a taxi for me. It was awesome. And then I got home, full with the great feeling of accomplishing something big (it’s a pain in the ass to get all your groceries here) to a phone call from my little sister Ebony – Nikki’s in labour, she’s fine but she’s having a c-section.

And then a couple of hours later – HE’S HERE.

Nate Edward Curry arrived on Sunday 4th September – Fathers day no less. He’s perfect. Long arms and legs, a speckling of hair and very very loving parents. Nikki was a star by all accounts and Brad (the father) is nothing less than a champion. All involved are proud and smiley and full of so much love for this adorable little gangly kid called Nate. Oh man, that kid is gonna have some lovin’. And that’s without mentioning Brad’s side! They’re just as excited!

So we’re all happy. Nikki’s doing well and Nate’s great. Brad’s looking after them. Ebony’s taking lots of photos and sending them round. Now Tegan and I are without cuddles. It is very very hard. However, I expected to lose my shiz-nit. Seriously. I thought I’d hit the roof and be on the first plane home. I prepared myself months in advance. But now he’s here – all safe and so loved, I feel like I want to meet him BUT I don’t feel that hideous tug of homesickness I was expecting. I guess the beauty of a pregnancy is that you have warning it’s going to happen, so can prepare yourself. I can assure you I won’t be in Mongolia for the next one though.

Might I mention: Ebony did a great job. She had to look after dad, who tends to go walkabout when he gets worried (when you’re on a farm it means he could be ANYWHERE when you need him). She had to take fast phone calls from mum. She had to figure out how to call Mongolia and send on the chinese whispers to Spain where Tegan was with a phone with a very-close-to-dead-battery phone. She totally kept her cool. It was all pretty surreal too – I remember where I was when we were this excited about HER being born. And here she is, coordinating her big sister’s impending birth of the very first nephew and grandson for all.

Being a bit older (I was 8 when she was born) I understood things a bit better though. And wasn’t as perplexed at his name. I remember thinking ‘how did mum and dad come up with ‘ebony’ for a name. it’s pretty, but i’ve never heard of it’……… And then we got to eat mini sausages from a can because the family we were staying with knew we weren’t allowed them at home but we loved them. But Nate. So cool. So chic. So easy. So pronouncable and spellable. Single syllable, his middle name will be used when he gets in trouble I guess. It wouldn’t be a good name to yell in the paddock as the one sound wouldn’t carry well. But who cares. Only dog names need to be multi-syllabic (is that a word?). Nate, my nephew, only needs one and I couldn’t think of a better name myself.

Oh yeah. Nikki did a freaking awesome job but that goes without saying. And there have been nothing but high praises for Brad too. Yay for everyone, really. Mum – Mrs Supportive, Mrs Considerate, Mrs Amazing.

A lot of things have made it so much easier. The internet is a gem. Facebook was well and truely clogged up yesterday with all of us conversing together and looking at all the photos. Skype was tried a million times to no avail but everything else – including phone calls and text messages, made it really feel like I was kind-of a part of it all. Which is important. I used to think that we were just a normal family – not particularly close or anything, just functional. I’ve come to realise that’s total bullshit and we’re a much tighter family than most. I love it.

So Nate’s here and we love him. A lot. And I am counting down the days until I get home to cuddle him. And take lots of photos. Lots.

I didn’t go to work yesterday as I was basically bedridden. I was crook as a dog but it served its purpose as if I had have been at work I couldn’t have kept up with everything. There were lots of family photos, emails, facebooking…. the works. It was amazing. I didn’t go to work today either as I’m still recovering from the whole charade.

WAIT. I didn’t say: the reason I brought up the whole shopping saga was because I thought I’d accomplished a lot by getting my groceries. Nikki totally trumped me. While I was finding muesli bars (hoooorah) and buying fresh vegies, she was in labour. And when I was watching tv because I made myself sicker by going shopping, she was getting cut open to deliver Nate.

This afternoon I went to a traditional medicine guy. He does a bunch of different things like massage, cups and…… who knows what else. After my researching the other day on bloodletting (let’s just say I won’t be having it done) I was a bit wary. This place probably practices bloodletting. But it was still great. The guy is lovely and super freaking knowledgeable. Apparently my organs are all very good. Good.

My  two friends went in to have their acupuncture while I waited my turn. There’s no waiting room per se, just a couple of stools and a wash basin (it’s okay mum, I only had a massage).While I was waiting on my stool at the doctor’s desk, a guy walked in with a syringe and some medicine. A nurse came out, drew the medicine from the thingy very slowly and without much grace and gave it a flick. The guy came over to stand next to me, dropped his daks, braced himself on the desk and let the nurse jab the needle in his bum.


She was very careful with the needle – to keep it clean. But that’s about it. I was relieved to just be having a massage. They put this hot lamp on my back which I thought was great because with my cold it made it really easy to breathe. I made a joke of my friend who had these massive glass jars vacuumed on to her back. She was gonna have epic bruises. And then they put them on ME. Oh man. I felt like a turtle. 8 very large glass jars sucking my skin into the vacuum they create by warming your skin. Bloody hell. I’ve had cups once before and they have done bugger all to make the bruises worth while.

Anyway. I’ve got epic bruises now too. I’ll take a photo tomorrow to show you.

I was a bit naughty today and ate out twice. I’m not well enough to trust myself cooking with hot things. So French bistro and creperie it was. At dinner four Aussies were chatting about work. I stayed a lot longer than necessary because I loved listening to their accents and their conversation. Call me a stalker, but you gotta take what you can get here! Any familiarity is welcome.

So, two months until I take Nate his play mat. Two months until I cuddle him and hi-5 Brad and squeeze Nikki til she can’t breathe. Two months til Ebony and I take lots of lomo photos and two months until Tegan and I inevitably fight about something/s stupid. That’s not long.


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