Monday, December 5, 2011


wow. That’s a totally different set of photos than what I usually put up – with Mongolian countryside screaming untouched beauty. Now I’m in central Europe where modern society began (of a more recent variety, anyway. Lots of dinosaurs in Mongolia. And ancient civilisations). It means there are lots of amazing buildings, paths and a culture that has meshed so smoothly in to so many others.

I woke up at 3:40am courtesy of a wrecked body clock. The alarm went off at 4:30am and we got on our way – not without a couple of trials beforehand though. We had to pay to store some baggage, of course we had no cash on us and the machine wasn’t working so I had to sprint up to the ATM 800m away. We got on the train at 5:30am and were at Gatwick airport soon after. It’s a massive airport! Our plane left at 8:30am. We arrived in Czech Republic at about 11am, had some lunch we’d organised last night and tested out patience and knowledge with the local bus/metro system.

I wasn’t really ready to be in a country that doesn’t speak the same language as me and that isn’t particularly easy. I am okay now I’m in the city but it was a bit worrying there for a while. I was just dreading everything – I’m sure because I imagined everything would be difficult as per the last country I was in. But it wasn’t. The train was fine and we eventually got in to town.

Wholey dooley, it’s so beautiful. So, so beautiful. It’s got a small town feel, but with big buildings. No new ugly developments – just lovely well kept old buildings, wide roads and lots of gardens. It’s so nice!

Our room is great too. We’re very close to the main street. We’re in a hostel type thing where we share a bathroom, but we’ve got a massive room with a couple of spare beds. The lady downstairs is just too nice and very helpful. So far, so good!

We went for a wander around town before it went dark (4pm is when it gets dark), had some Indian for dinner and now we’re ready for bed.

We’re tired but not as tired as last night! Oh – yesterday!

Yesterday was our Big Bus #2 day. Jumping on at Leicester Square after we got ourselves some Chicago tickets, we went around town, then caught a ferry up to Greenwich and back. Back on the bus, off the bus and to the theatre to see Chicago. LOTs of people everywhere. We were a bit early so stopped off at a deli to try their pastries and tea. Ebony had tea and scones, I had peppermint tea and a delicious custardy pastry thing.

America Ferrera was in Chicago. It was just amazing. The theatre was nice and cosy with very old seats (like the Mudgee theatre ones). We had much better seats. America was GREAT. It’s so weird to see someone in real life, that you’ve spent ages watching on a tv screen (she’s in Ugly Betty and probably lots of other stuff that I don’t know about). The music was great, the dancing was great. Everything fits together like clockwork and is so cleverly crafted, the performance itself is an art – not including the amazing singing, dancing and showmanship.

Tired again, we trekked home and packed ready for our voyage to Prague!

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