Friday, April 22, 2011

Jaz and Bridget come to stay

Jaz and I organised ourselves so we both arrived at Moolarben at the same time. I got big hugs all round and then we checked out the puppies. Bridget LOVES the puppies. So do I, so we got along well.

Bridget's pretty cute. See proof:

Bridget (Jaz's daughter) being holding two of Lace's puppies
Yeah, cute as the puppies. Unfortunately most of the Bridget photos are all portrait photos so I can't upload them onto here.

I made some pasta (from scratch) for dinner - it was pretty yum. Minkey's pups are on the front verandah now so it's pretty easy so duck out and play with them. Bridget kept sneaking out. She wasn't allowed to (because they're only a week old so they're pretty fragile). I caught her playing with the little girl and she almost crapped her pants. She wouldn't come inside so I locked her out (for like 30seconds) and she didn't like that much. I didn't think she'd ever talk to me again but she did.

Which was lucky because the next day dad took us around some sheep and cows. Bridget hadn't been on the back of a ute before so it was pretty fun. For all of us!

We played with more puppies, had pancakes for breakfast, played with more puppies, had a look at a cut up cow in the cool room and then it was time to go. Boo. It was SO nice to see them though.

Lace and pups

Dad, Bridget and Jaz watching the sheep
Bridget and Dad cleaning out the feeder
Yesterday was another busy day. Mum and I had lunch at Fairview - it was delicious! Ploughmans lunch plus a tasting board of olive oil and dukkah. My favourite. We did a bunch of jobs in town. I saw Katrina - Nikki's boyfriend Brad's sister who is a hairdresser. She diagnosed my crappy hair as having excess silicon built up from using cheap shampoo thREE times. Bloody hell. I used to use that stuff all the time and now I don't earn money, I can't afford the good stuff! So it built up and my hair was totally gross and I had to wash it with bicard soda and now it's all fixed. Thank goodness!

I went up to Pop and Marg's to say hi and to setup Skype and Hotmail and show Marg how to use them (and see my blog). She was a very good learner but we had to start from the basics, which kind of tested my (lacklustre) knowledge. I was very bossy but I think between us, we got some good instructions down and she's practicing today. Hopefully it means we can Skype while I'm in Mongolia.

Dinner at the Thai restaurant with Ebony, Nikki, Steven, Brad and Washy (Brad's friend). Food was okay, company was great and my verdehlo was also pretty good.

This morning mum and I de-flea-ed the puppies. We never have fleas on anything - but we looked after a dog that managed to bring them in. And now everything has them. We used a special spray for the pups; it worked a treat - the fleas literally died and dropped off before we even finished spraying them. Sucked in fleas, you do not belong on our puppies!!!!

I am currently repacking. It's heart breaking. To go from 30 dresses down to 5 'favourites' is horrible. I love them all. I love the ones I made, I love my Cue dresses, I love my winter ones and summer ones. My cocktail ones and my cotton day dresses. I've managed to only pack 5 pairs of earrings - that's what long hair is for. But dresses. And clothes in general. Maybe living in Mongolia will teach me to live with less clothes. I doubt it; I've tried before and it's never worked.

As a matter of general interest, so far it's taken 4 hours to upload the video on this blog. I hope you like it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw Sal, Bridget is very excited to see pictures of herself on your blog and i read it to her and she was most proud to be mentioned. We had such fun time playing farmers. We'll miss you and hope you have a great and safe journey xox Jaz