Saturday, April 23, 2011

I couldn't fit my teddy in.....

I have to leave my teddy at home. He's never come overseas but I haven't been away from him for a year before. I also haven't been without my satin edged blankets for more than 6 months either.

Nevermind; I'm 25 - I should probably learn.


Wholey shitballs.

Dinner was delicious. Baked lamb leg plus homemade pavlovas. YUM. Everyone was here including Tegan because she was on skype. Ebony's boyfriend Steven was very drunk and trying to sleep at the table, which was pretty funny. And Brad didn't want any pavlova. Boring.

Now my bag is packed; I had to sit on it to make it fit. Lai's washing up which is silly because we don't generally do it in this house for at least a day afterwards. We named dad's  pup Winnie (that was Lai, really. It was her idea). And the boy is still Caesar.

So, last night in Australia. It's surreal. And pretty sucky. I so love being at home and helping out and visiting people. It's been great.

Today was pretty bloody cool. Lai and I had a lot of fun. Mum made me some brownies and I feel really bad because she made them for me but I don't really like them. It's okay, I'll eat them - I just feel bad because they're not my favourite (I don't really have one).

The puppies got played a lot with tonight. And a guy that's in Mongolia right now added me to facebook because he wants to move into a share house. He seems really nice. I mainly like him because he's a GEOLOGIST which means he has to be totally cool. I probably went a bit overboard; I get way too excited about things. But nevermind. If he doesn't like excitement he doesn't have to live with me. But either way, hopefully there's someone I can talk rocks with. Because right now I don't miss it but I know that I will soon. I do really like rocks and dirt.

Signing out for the night - off to take some valerian as I know I won't sleep. Will update as I'm on my pic 3 day journey (god forbid I live in the days where it took weeks to get somewhere on a boat; I'd totally get sea sick).


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