Monday, April 25, 2011

I’m on my way……


I packed my toothbrush this morning and then we were off. Scary time; I wasn’t sure if I packed everything. Never mind. Too late now – I’m at Changi Airport.

We stopped over the Blue Mountains for some apples that were pretty average. Shame. It was probably my last decent apple for a long while.

It was pretty horrible at the airport. Well, not horrible – just really sad. The lady let me get away with 34kg in my luggage but I had to take stuff out of my hand luggage. No more Lonely Planet guides or reading magazines. I had to take out my PJ’s and my white clogs. That too was devastating.


Well, not devastating. I know I’m doing the right thing – the decision to work in Mongolia isn’t the problem. It’s just always so sad saying goodbye. It definitely wasn’t as bad as saying goodbye when I moved to Canada – and that was only for 6months!

I think I’ve either a. grown up a lot in the last 6months or b. chilled out a buttload due to high amounts of vitaminB in my system. Either way, I wasn’t worried as much on the plane – I actually had 4 babies in front of my seat; the one directly in front screamed the whole way. And I hardly cared.

I watched an awesome movie – the name escapes me but it’s set in the ‘60’s (with the awesome fashion to boot). The story line followed the revolution re: equal pay. What a cool period to be a part of! I can’t complain – I’m not a part of the 2011 era where it takes only a few (okay, a lot) of hours on a plane and you’re in a totally different country.


Speaking of – it still totally weirds me out that this morning I was eating breakfast at home. Now I’m on my laptop in Singapore and later this evening I’ll be in a hotel in Seoul. The romanticism of travel is kind of obsolete – it doesn’t take much effort to get anywhere so it doesn’t really mean AS much. It’s still super amazing though.

I am definitely not looking forward to the days where I may have to travel with my own children. Bugger that. It’s annoying enough with my camera bag, let alone a screaming child.


stngcloud said...

I'm not surprised. You had a Lot of hand luggage. Where r u now?

salberries said...

Dear Lai,
I am currently stuck in the airport in Seoul. We had an 11hour stopover so we had hotel booked; arrived back at the airport for our flight and it's been delayed another 11 hours.
So we're at the airport til at least 2am. Bum.