Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Monday was a big day.
Not only because I spent 45minutes whisking home made hollandaise sauce for Tegan's last breakfast, but because we drove to Sydney and back in a car that we used to fit into 10 years ago. It's a bit squishier now.

Eggs benedict was surprisingly yummy. I wasn't expecting the hollandaise to work out as it kept separating and I yelled at Tegan while she was watching tv "HEAR THIS WHISKING; YEAH, THAT'S ME - NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT IT'S DELICIOUS".
And she did. So I had to try it, and it actually was. Good one, Sally.

Post - breakfast we had the obligatory family photo. Mum was in charge, with my good camera. Her task was to continuously click. So click she did, and now I have 250 photos to go through of the SAME thing. Nevermind, she did what she was told.
We drove the 3.5hours to Sydney and dropped TJ off. Bron, her best friend was there waiting - she's SO nice. They laughed a lot and the lady at the counter was super nice. We sat and drank a coffee and eventually said our goodbyes. There were lots of tears, but it wasn't REALLY sad. We'll see her lots and it's so easy to keep in touch. It was more exciting I guess, knowing she's going to have the bestest time EVER.
TJ and Bron checking in
After waving goodbye we went to the suitcase shop and got me a much more practical suitcase (not just because it's pink) than my free Origin waterproof bag. Then we headed home via Blaxland McDonalds.

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