Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Sunday, the day of rest.

No rest for the wicked.

Not really. After I told Pop I'd bring round a metal detector on Tuesday, TJ and I headed down the street and she had breakfast with Lizzie and he adorable son Blake. I bought the paper and headed to the Butcher Shop Cafe. I couldn't eat all my breakfast as there was too much. My chai latte wasn't much chop; I don't think anything will ever live up to Comfort Cafe in Milton's chai tea. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm So delicious.

Breakfast over, we headed home - picked EG up on the way (she was staying at her boyfriend's place at the old Farmer's Daughter vineyard - but we picked her up at Abercorn Vineyard. Turns out Farmer's Daughter is still in operation and Abercorn is old). Got home and I had a good rest.

Tegan decided she wanted pavolva for dessert and EG decided that's what we were going to make. So we got the ingredients in town, and post-nap, we started whipping. Mum's 27yo mix master is a bit worse for wear. She's actually going to replace it with a kitchenaid because dad's getting a new John Deere tractor and this other forklift-y thing. So it's only fair that in retaliation, she spends money on the most ridiculously priced mixmaster available.

Anyway, so we whipped and whipped. We wanted mini pavlovas for 12. We debated re: the instructions. What is a 'moderate' and what is a 'cool' oven. We learnt the hard way.
Pav1 turned out like mini cow shits. They were burnt on top and flat like a pancake. We'd followed the 'easy' recipe.
Pav2 turned out very similar. We lowered the temps and they still looked like mini cow shits.
Pav3 turned out half okay. The front ones obviously didn't get as hot so maintained some kind of shape.
Pav4 turned out AMAZING. We used the 'classic' recipe with extra cornflour, vinegar, lemon juice and no water. The secret: 'Moderate' means 120degrees. 'Slow' means 90 degrees.

Man, they were freaking amazing.

Mum doesn't even like pavlova and I generally hate it. But these were amazing! We had a lovely, lovely night. Pop and Margaret came out. Nan came out with Ryan and Sarah. And we ate roast pork and chicken (thanks Nikki) and mini pavs. We laughed and drank and had a great time. We love you Tegan!

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