Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Map of Mongolia - Dornod is the highlighted province to the East
A sneak peek at where I'm heading to tomorrow

Oh right. You mean "Dornod", the Eastern most province in Mongolia. Sure, I'd love to go!

That's all I knew. That's all I still know. But I'm leaving tomorrow for Dornod. I'm 100% hoping we're flying (it's an epic journey and there are no paved roads) but I highly doubt it.

I started packing this morning - essentials like first aid kit with extra nurofen, 1kg of mixed nuts, 2min noodles, tinned tuna, muesli. You know, the standard 'I don't want to eat deep fried mutton and boiled sheep head for the next week so I will ration my tinned tuna to suit my formidable appetite' picnic basket.

I am hoping I get at least one shower and I get to sleep on a bed, not on the floor. I guess after a few nights I'll be so tired/hungry that I'll sleep where ever and eat whatever. We'll see.

My purple fingernails will be up shit creek without a paddle. Not really - they will just look really bad. Note to self: stick to more natural colours in order to avoid nail regrowth issues.

Wish me luck!

P.s. there will likely be no a. internet b. electricity. c. phone reception d. running water so don't expect emails, facebook updates, phone calls, text messages, good health or blog updates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sally with purple nails, I'd like to see that!! maybe as painful as hairdye in year 8?