Monday, May 23, 2011

Saturday night and the Ballet

Saturday night was a whole lot of fun. Saturday was pretty sleepy; not having slept much on Friday night didn’t help. A band of expats were playing at a local nightclub and they were AWESOME. I danced all night and had the best time. I met some new people and danced with people I mis-read (but still had a LOT of fun nevertheless). Everything has to shut at midnight which so far is  a good things because it means a relatively early night and less of a hangover.


All in all, a wonderful introduction to Mongolian live music. Albeit expat Mongolian music. I didn’t stop smiling all night. Above – the photos to prove it.

Today was another slow day – after even less sleep last night, I had a bit of morning sleep in, in a vain attempt at catching up on some zzzzzzz’s. Once I woke up and organised myself Sarah and I wandered to the German bakery and had a bloody delicious salad and pastrami sandwich (pastrami slightly frozen but who am I to complain?). We continued our walk to the most awesome, amazing, epic, picturesque, spectacular sewing machine shop you’ve ever seen. Proof:


Yup. Bloody fantastic.

Their customer service wasn’t amazing, but I can’t complain because my Mongolian is terrible thus far. I spent a good two hours in there. There were 6 sewing machines to choose from. I automatically culled the cheap ones. It was a brand I hadn’t heard of and I wasn’t about to spend heaps of money on something so it could break tomorrow.


Above: my amazing purchase of the day. It cost me a trip to the countryside. 477800Tugs for the lot. That’s a pretty good trip to the countryside. But totally, totally worth it.

I got some scissors, pins, pin cushion and some cotton too. Now I need some material. Oh man, do I ever need material! I’m desperate! I want to get some patterns from the States (you can’t get them here), so I’ll have to wait til I can make dresses and stuff but I can make some PJ’s without a pattern. And scrunchies. I don’t care – I just want to make something! And I can! My new singer sewing machine has cruise control. No shit! You can tell it how fast to go and it just goes. And there’s an automatic button hole maker. Goodness gracious me!

I found out all this by pretending I understood a little bit of what they were saying. We pulled the machine out and had a bit of a play – she showed me some cool stuff. And then we trundled back home to go to the ballet.

And, what a night! It was amazing! For $7, it was AMAZING!

Swan Lake by the Mongolian Ballet

The theatre is beautiful as well. It’s very Soviet but has some lovely Mongolian touches as well. See below for more:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the things you get to do.
when we come over we are going to the ballet too.