Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A little embarrassing… I can take it.

My room–in UB

Now, we all know I’m not afraid of being the centre of attention. But when it comes to putting my video camera on a tripod and pressing play – well….. it’s slightly nerve racking. Ever since I heard my own voice on 2MG radio in Mudgee in year 1, I’ve not been particularly fond of the recorded version of my own voice. Couple that with actually going ahead and filming myself. Well. Look. I’ll get over it. I might even get good at it.

But for now, here’s a video of ME and MY room in UB.

Have I mentioned that ‘Ulaanbaatar’ means ‘red hero’? Probably not. It’s the only reason I remember how to pronounce the colour red in Mongolian. ‘ulaan’ means red. Too easy, 99!


monica said...

Noel said "give her 3-4 months" last night. I'm giving Noel and Thao your blog address. I'm sure he'll love the goats head....

stngcloud said...

Youre looking smoking hot too.

salberries said...

I think I'm looking smoking hot courtesy of the wrong film format (I can't figure out the right one!). But I might just stick with it; I don't mind looking a bit smooshed if it means I'm a bit skinnier ;)