Saturday, May 14, 2011

I got tick’ed

I got a tick in my hair! It’s the second tick I’ve ever had and it was totally not welcome. Luckily it got pulled out within a few hours of it trying to make home on my head.

Horse riding was great. But I don’t think it’s as great as I imagined. There’s a lot of skill that I don’t have (i.e. none) and there’s a lot more physical exhaustion and pain involved than I had ever imagined.

It was still really cool. The landscape is as beautiful as it looks in the photos, but better. It’s sparse and dotted with the occasional ger and wild horses. And we were only about 15km out of UB.

We rode for a couple of hours; I wish I had worn two sports bras like I considered this morning. My horse was pretty responsive. For half of the year the horses go wild; for the other half they’re herded and saddled up. They’re not trained as such. Mine didn’t like going the direction I wanted it to but I got better at telling it what to do. It stopped and started when I wanted though. And all that was running through my mind was dad saying ‘motorbikes don’t have temperaments’. And now I understand why. Cranky bastards they are!

I walked a lot and then I started to trot. Turns out trotting is probably the most uncomfortable thing in the world, and if you canter (or gallop, I don’t know – the one that’s faster than the trot) it is way more comfortable! You just have to hold on real tight and trust the horse a bit more.

We ate lunch there and then drove home. I’m pooped! And I’ll be SO sore tomorrow! I’m heading out for all you can eat Brazilian food right now. Hopefully it’s delicious.

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