Sunday, May 15, 2011

The key to my heart


Actually, not really. Above are the photos that are the 'key to my apartment’.  (clockwise from top left: the stairwell and front door of our apartment; the front door of the building our apartment is in; the local Russian Caravan; the lowest building in the photo – just so happens to be our local supermarket.

Beautiful day today – 17 degrees outside and the sun is shining. I’ve got the house to myself for a few hours which is lovely. Not that I don’t like my housemates – it’s just always nice to have your own time. I’ve organised some paperwork, been to two different supermarkets (just to check them out), vacuumed, cleaned my room, made some lunch with leftovers for tomorrow and read a little bit.

I really wanted to make something to take to work with me tomorrow. I’m out of ideas though. I don’t feel 100%. I attempted scones and choc chip biscuits. Both of which were sub-par and would never be given as a gift to my new workmates. So they’ll have to wait. Maybe one day when I’ve got a bit more cashola up my sleeve, I’ll make some mini pavlovas. That also requires me finding some whippable cream.

Bayartai (goodbye)

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