Thursday, May 19, 2011

First photography ‘group’ shots


So I’m trying to set up a group of people that want to take photos around the place. It’s too dangerous to get your camera out alone –> safety in numbers! Last night was our first meet up. It was about minus 5 degrees which made playing with camera buttons THAT much harder. And shorter. Hopefully next week will be warm enough to play around properly. Above: the view from our kitchen balcony looking up the main street.


Sukhbaatar Square: Parliament house (I live directly behind this building)


A man on a horse (the statue in the middle of the square) with Sky Tower in the background


The first three groupies! All set up and taking photos from different angles


Vie from the square


Chinggis and another horse statue (note: he is always disproportionate to everything around him)


The Mongolian flag, flying high (and cold!) at the end of Spring, 2011

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