Monday, June 13, 2011

Birthday parties and hikes

Dessert - lots and lots of cakes, cupcakes, icecream and fruit salad
Cake cutting time!
The dinner party went off like a fire cracker. Maybe? I'm not sure that's right, but it was a lot of fun. We had about 15 people over and feasted on home made salsa, green curry, beef stirfry and lots of dessert. We drank beer, wine, vodka and lots of tea (okay, maybe I was the only one that drank lots of tea).
We sang happy birthday. Unfortunately I was a little too happy and upon setting up my video camera to film the singing of Happy Birthday, we promptly found out all chances of that happening were ruined because we had no battery.
We ate and talked and chatted and drank tea all night being merry and laughing and having a lovely time. By midnight the house was empty and most things were clean. I slept well - I was pooped! Sarah got some great presents and seemed to thoroughly enjoy herself! All in all, a successful night!
Saturday was the laziest day I've had for ages. I didn't get out of my PJ's until we went out at night to a farewell.

Sunday was going to be a nice quick hike and then a day of rest. Rest it was not. We hiked up a mountain behind UB. We hiked up and and up and up and up. I'm fairly fit - unfortunately not hiking fit. Anyway, after hours of hiking UP we made it to the top, sat and ate lunch for a minute and continued on. We started going down and down and down. My knees got sore and sore and sore. And then we saw a marmot who was a long long long way away but was still cute. Marmots carry the plague (as in Black Plague) and are thought to be the originating source of the plague, so a long long long way away was fine by me.
Seven hours is a long time to hike for and I am definitely feeling it today. The beauty can only be described in picture; I will do my best to add a couple more you haven't seen.

Wait. sorry. I'm running late, I'll have to put more photos up tonight. xox

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