Friday, June 10, 2011

Dinner party!


Another chat–Sally to infinite audience


I got up early to make curry and bake a (packet) cake in preparation for tonight. Turns out I was WAY too organised because I’ve sat at home getting pissed drinking $5/bottle wine since I left work at 1:30 (directly after my manicure).

The bosses are away, so the atmosphere at work is great and no one seems to work. They play cards a lot and then they drink whisky and vodka. No one came to work today because they all got too pissed on whisky last night and were hungover. It was fine by me as I don’t have anything to do anyway! I have some research to do but I’m kind of stumped because I don’t know where to go to get any information beyond high school level. Hmm.

On Monday I’m going to talk to a group of Mongolians that are preparing to move to Australia. They’re being sponsored by the Australian government. It’s an amazing opportunity for these people. They get their family shipped overseas, and get a masters or something equivalent. They have to come back to Mongolia and work, but geez. I’ve met a few and I haven’t met one who has a bad word to say about it.

The hot water system has me beat. I’m looking up instructions and it says the electricity has to be installed by a professional, but it’s just a plug that goes into an outlet. Hmmmm.

Trivia last night was silly. The questions were so hard I’m sure Simon and Lai and Connor would have had no chance. They were so specific and so American. I actually got a few questions and then I just got bored. The bloke that asked me to go didn’t talk to me which was pretty boring – he was on another table. So my friends and I played with my toy camel, ate hot chips and made up silly answers. Then I came home and tried to sleep through the second stupid party below my bedroom. Blah. I dreamt I spat at them, I’m sure. I hope I didn’t – what a way to get beaten up!

The funny menu at the King of CrownsDSC01520DSC01524

Above: The funny menu. And Temmee the camel and his self portrait. He ended up getting too tired and we had to take him home straight after trivia was marked. We remarkably came third out of seven. Don’t ask me how. It certainly was no thanks to me and my Desperate Housewives knowledge.

I haven’t decided what I will wear tonight. I know what I WANT to wear, but it’s a bit OTT for a Friday night dinner party. I can’t wait for my patterns to arrive so I can make some new cool dresses. I just need a couple of fun party dresses (yes, I did bring a lot but they’re not exactly what I’m after).

I can’t believe how easy it is to waffle. I will stop now, before it becomes too prolific.


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