Thursday, June 9, 2011

Share my joy

I've always known that in my family there's been a few people with the addictive personalities that leave you vulnerable to becoming addicted - to anything. I'm becoming increasingly aware of my personality of late, and I definitely have been gifted with quite an addictive personality.

Example one: I loved tomatoes so much I ate too many and burnt the business out of my insides and now I don't function properly

Example two: I joined the gym and prioritised it over everything and now I can lift heavier weights than some boys

Example three: I couldn't figure out how to make handmade pasta so spent two entire days and lots of eggs and flour practicing until I got it perfect

But that's the only examples I can think of so maybe it's just a minor detail.

What made me think of it was how hungry and sore I am from going to the gym too much. Silly girl. I went last night and again this morning - but if I didn't go this morning I wouldn't have had a chance until Saturday and that's too far away. So now I'm just hungry and weak.

Above: The hot water system I found in our cupboard. I am determined to make it work. I found it at 10:30am which meant I was already SUPER late for work so had to just leave it....... But tonight. The battle begins. I must admit, I'm a bit partial to the shower at the gym. The shower head is literally the size of an A4 piece of paper. It's quite lovely! So, share my joy - HOT WATER!!!!

Fingers crossed I never become super famous because this blog will reveal things I'm likely to get burned at the stake for.
Mongolian's hate Chinese - they've spent thousands of years swapping ownership of different areas of land, building walls to keep each other out and making war against each other. Now the Mongolians like to blame EVERYTHING shit on the Chinese.

Oh - your food tastes like shit? The ingredients MUST come from China
Oh - your house is falling down? It MUST have been built by Chinese
Oh - your car won't work? That's because it's a crappy Chinese one
Oh - you can't get a job? That's because the Chinese took them all
Oh - your toy broke? That's because it was a cheap Chinese one

I had a big conversation with my Mongolian friend the other night re: China taking over Mongolia. I tried to say that China will (might) take over Mongolia some way or another - to me it's inevitable because of all the natural resources here.
 He completely and utterly disagreed (he's very worldly so was easy to talk to about this, which is why I was surprised he was so vehemently against the idea). The excuses ranged from NO - it won't happen because Mongolian's won't let it. [what, 3mil Mongolians are going to put up a fight against the largest, most powerful country in the world?!] To NO it can't happen because Russia won't let it; China won't want to come here because it's too cold to live in anyway; Nato will step in and fight against them; USA won't let it happen.........
Moral to that story is that if push came to shove, Mongolians - from what I have seen - are more patriotic than any culture I've ever seen before and would much rather die in battle against the Chinese than be assimilated into their culture.

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