Monday, September 12, 2011

All dressed up and no place to go

All very uneventful. Yesterday I left the house once to go downstairs to eat lunch. I bumped in to a guy I met on Friday night – a gold geo – and we chatted about stuff, he gave me some advice and then he paid for my lunch, which was very nice of him.

The rest of the day was a lazy one. So many lazy days lately – I think I’m trying to make up that epic June/July/August schedule.

The homeless people have picked up bags of rubbish from the tip and rifled through them out the front of the door that leads to our apartment – including a very obviously toilet paper bag. Loo paper doesn’t go down the loo here, so bags of toilet paper are taken to the big bin outside. I don’t understand what you could possibly think would be hidden in a bag of dirty toilet paper. So this paper was strewn all around outside our door. It was pretty gross. On my way home I saw a guy pissing in to a chip bag in front of our house too. And then there were two crazy guys yesterday at lunch that came into the restaurant specifically to yell at us. Great place.

I make my own cereal here – some decent muesli. This morning I CHOMPED in to a rock. It’s a pebble about 5mm in diameter. It’s black and angular. The angular bits chomped directly in to the soft part of my back molar. It was excruciating. Now I can’t eat on the right side of my mouth. I’m hoping that after cleaning my teeth tonight and resting it tomorrow, something will grow back and it’ll stop hurting. Otherwise it’s going to be a very very long two months waiting to go home to the dentist.

I also went to the gym this morning. I postponed my membership in June just before Dad arrived because I knew I wouldn’t be around to go. And now it’s the first week I’m home and not sick – so off I went. Maybe once I get in to it again it’ll be a bit more exciting.

At lunchtime today I was called in to my boss’ office. She wanted to tell me that I have to go home to put nice clothes on because she was taking me to an important meeting. So off I toddled home, got changed, straightened my hair, put some pearls on and prepared myself in general. I got back to work and waited. And waited. She told me we’d walk together at 2pm. It was 2:15pm before she called me and yelled at me, asking where I was – and then why I was still at work because I was suppose to be at the State Palace. I didn’t even get angry – I just said to her that I’m sorry, but I was under the impression we were walking together and I was still waiting for her. She kind of apologised, which I was not expecting. And then promptly hung up. So I got dressed and ready but had no where to go.

Which was lucky because I needed to follow up people from Friday night. I had to send off contacts of CSG experts, thank some people, send butcher’s price lists, send resumes and ask questions about particular jobs. You know what – they all replied! I just got the last one now. Impressive! I didn’t expect to hear from most of them. But cool!

So I have a meeting planned this week with the guy that offered me a job. Problems with this: I’d risk losing my job at Origin, which I love; I’d have to leave my volunteer position which is what I came here to do; If I do that, I may as well go home and be home instead of in Mongolia. (although you know – I’m not ready to move back to Australia. I’m desperate to get home for a while but I’m not ready to go back to full time work as a boring geo)

I also have a meeting planned with a recruitment consultant. I’ve written other people’s resumes for ages, and helped a lot of people get jobs. I get a real kick out of it. So I met this guy on Friday and I asked him what it’s like. He gave me a wishy washy answer via email but is going to ‘try to fit me in to his schedule’ this week, so we can chat. Which is really nice of him.

A lot has happened lately. Mum’s birthday, Nate was born, Father’s Day, Brendo’s birthday, Grandma’s birthday, Zoe got engaged, another friend is pregnant, I’ve been really sick, I met lots of people at the Mining conference, my work’s not got any better………………………………. Lots to think about.

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