Sunday, September 11, 2011


I got to sleep at about half past twelve last night. It’s always hard to go to sleep when you’re so excited. I had to get up at 5:30am so I could make it to work by 6:30am as we were meeting to leave for this soccer tournament. Of course I didn’t leave the house til 6:30 and I was still the first one there. It would have been well below zero this morning which made it suck even more. We didn’t leave work until about 8am. You can calculate how much extra sleep I could have got. Just don’t tell me.

We stopped only about 3 times within the 20km it took to get us to the soccer field. It was a small field – fake grass, looked lovely. 12 teams altogether. We played Russia and USA. We lost and drew which meant we didn’t progress any further. I’m no good at soccer. I’m sure I could be useful if I had a bit of training and knew the rules. Not today. The photos prove I am quite awkward looking. They also confirm how much weight I’ve managed to put on in 4 months. It’s so hard to eat decently here. The only fun thing to do is go out for meals and there are no healthy options, ever. There are better options and worse options, but no good options. And cooking for yourself means really time consuming trips to the markets every week where I feel so unsafe I have to take an anti-stress tablet before I go. It’s all a good excuse but I’m going to have to seriously start doing something about it. It makes me feel so yukky. Gym would help, if I ever end up rejoining. Gah.

So this soccer thing – I didn’t enjoy it. It’s just like going to a tournament for your sport for a day but not speaking the language and not knowing the sport. And not having a car to leave when you’re finished. I didn’t have a bad day – I just have always hated soccer and I am beginning to despise my lack of independence and say in any matters, big or small.

The opening ceremony was at the end of the competition and we all had to file in to the field in our teams like we were at the Olympics. Only there was NO ONE watching. It was so weird.

And then I baled. One guy was heading back in to the city. The rest were going to someone’s house to drink and chat. That means they’ll spend all night there getting pissed on vodka and talking in Mongolian. No thank you. They were all pissed that I left but really – I just don’t want to do that any more. When I have an option, I choose no.

So I got home at 4 and I’ve done nothing since. Tomorrow I’ll likely do nothing again.IMG_5416IMG_5525IMG_5428IMG_5510IMG_5511IMG_5520

As you can see, there’s a lot of Sally in the background. There’s one photo of me with the ball. That was one of the two times I touched the ball.

Below are some photos of the cutest little girl. She’s recently had her hair chopped off as per the Mongolian tradition for little girls at her age.

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