Monday, October 3, 2011

Olive oil

Olive oil on your face two nights in a row is too much. My eyelashes keep sticking together and it’s really annoying. I did try olive oil on my hair as well and will report back tomorrow on those results.

More good reasons that I am going home early:

  • I no longer get out of bed before 8am, because there’s no reason to
  • I’ve run out of meat in my freezer (or, I will have when I leave)
  • My gym membership expires on the 1.11.2011 (around when I will leave)
  • I fantasise about walking up the aisle in Woolworths
  • A glass of cheap wine tastes amazing
  • I’ve exhausted Gossip Girl options. I can’t find season 5 to download
  • I don’t want to go to the gym any more
  • I eat enough for three, just because I’m bored
  • I’ve run out of carrot juice face moisturiser

I decided today I’m not doing any more of my project proposal, because I don’t know what else to do. And no one’s going to yell at me about it either. And I’m not doing any more work on my seed database a. because I hate it and b. it’s too much work and there’s no point even starting it. Which leaves me with presentations to do, which I am happy about.

Now I just have to wait until Eznis Airlines (a local Mongolian airline) decide on their fares for November. That’s right. I can’t book my flights to Ulgii because they don’t know when they’re flying. It’s four weeks away. Ridiculous. I’ll wait two more days and if I still can’t book the flights, I’ll have to skip my trip to the west and come home early. Which is secretly what I want to do anyway.

I’m taking last orders for Mongolian things too. I’m not actually bringing anything home that I didn’t bring with me in the first place, with a few exceptions: deel material, Nate’s blanket, a pair of slippers, one hat, one scarf and one painting. I’m not buying things for anyone mainly because there’s not that much to buy, and also because dad took care of that.

I’m pooped. All that working between 11am-4pm, and the olive oil hair mask and Korean curry that I cooked has made me sleepy. It might also be a sugar low, after consuming 5 cupcakes, a large slice/s of carrot cake, two cups of green jelly and four pieces of chocolate.

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