Thursday, April 7, 2011

I am with puppies

A few days before I arrived home, my cousin's girlfriend Sarah (she's a city girl but she's so cool) posted on facebook about some puppies on the farm. I didn't get too excited because we haven't had puppies for ages.

Turns out, THERE ARE PUPPIES. Lace the kelpie has 6 adorable puppies. Black, and black and tan with white boots. I visit them a lot. They're only a couple of days old and she's a new mum so she's not so keen on us crashing her puppies but she'll get use to us.

It gets better.
Minkey the favourite working dog was looking really fat and lazy yesterday and I told dad he should probably stop feeding her so much. BUT NO. He should! Because she's having pups too! They're due on SUNDAY, so not only do I get to play with six of Lace's pups, but we get Minkey's too! Minkey's more friendly - she goes and works with dad and leaves the pups behind for a few hours so we have free range. Lace's were apparently an accident; nevermind - it's a VERY welcome accident.

The last few days were pretty stressful. Saying goodbye to people, getting rid of excess food that my not-so-foody housemates would have used (I left some chops in the freezer and cheese in the fridge, and some sweet chili sauce), packing everything, cleaning things, organising thing in the house so they were out of the way. Blah blah. The only tears were when I got hung up on twice from the ANZ insurance guys. I gave up because I didn't have time to cry anymore.

I picked Ebony up on Tuesday afternoon, Monica cleaned my teeth (oh so shiny and smooth now), I continued packing my car and then we cooked up a storm. Tacos for dinner and an awesome steak salad thingy for lunch the next day.

6:30am, EG and I drove off. No tears either; Sarah and Monica waved us off and that was it. Twelve hours later we arrived home (Moolarben) and finally got to cuddle the pups. The drive was slow at times (EG's on her L's therefore it was 80km/hour), but really beautiful - everything's still so green from all the rain. We took some videos of different towns so I can make a video of 'Australia' to take to Mongolia. We ate our amazing picnic lunch in Moree and used their crazy automatic door/water/toilet paper dispenser/flusher/hand dryer.

Now I'm at home, which is so nice. It's just such a huge sigh of relief. I've got all my gear from my car and now I'm prioritising things. I've vacuum sealed one bag of essential clothes weighing 6.9kg. Tonight we're having the neighbours (from all around - Stokes' and Swords') over for dinner - mum's been cooking all day.
Tegan leaves on Monday for the UK. It's weird. She'll have a bloody awesome time - it's just so weird it's coincided so nicely that we're leaving at the same time. Mum probably doesn't think so.

Lai made me some beads. My favourite one reads 'M  iss you xo Lai'. I ordered a bracelet to put them on but our mail only comes 3x/week so it's a slow wait!


stngcloud said...

I'm home too, now.

I realized after I put the M on that I didnt have enough space and couldn't go vertical so I changed and went diagonal. :( YOU try changing your mind with goopy hot 1200'c molten glass! Fussy fussy!

salberries said...

Dear Lai,
I hope you're not offended: I never meant it as a bad thing. I love my beads - especially that one. It's my absolute favourite. I promise. I'm not being fussy.