Friday, December 16, 2011

Caen Caen

The bus from Paris to Caen – a 3 hour journey on a practically empty coach. A taxi ride to our hotel and an early night. It was raining and dark, and we were exhausted.

Weather in Caen for the next five days: rainy. It’s true. It hasn’t stopped. Yesterday we wandered around the city, met friends on William the Conqueror’s castle wall, wandered around and started drinking as the sun was going down. I managed to lose an SD card with the photos I took that day, which sucks balls because there were some amazing photos on it. We bought some alcohol and went to drink and watch the sun set over William’s wall. Only it started rainy again so we retreated back to our friends’ hotel. We drank a lot more, laughed a lot more and went out to dinner too late. Nothing was open except a random bar we found, who served us some tapas and sangria.


And that was the beginning. We’d already drunk Smirnoff Ice, rose, red wine, white wine, Jamison and then sangria. And then the tequila shots and cocktails started. Then Ebony got her results – some great results, that we celebrated with more tequila until we had to leave that bar. To another bar. More cocktails and white russian shots. Some game playing with a group of different Asian people studying in France. They were so cool – Indonesians, Japanese, Chinese, a guy from Hong Kong. We had a lot of fun with them so followed them to another bar after that one closed. By then I was just drinking water but it didn’t save me from an epic day of hangover.


All in all, Ebony had a pretty freaking cool celebration night. We had a lot of fun!

Today was very difficult. The rain made it much worse. D-Day beaches/Battle of Normandy is Caen. We had some beaches and history to see. Only it’s rainy and we’re hungover and we did no research. We got out to a small town that we’d catch a bus to the beaches from – and the buses weren’t running enough to make it worthwhile (to get there before sunset, anyway). We checked out a museum, wandered around a bit and headed back in to Caen on the train.

More restaurants for dinner – I ended up accidentally ordering cow bones baked so you could eat the marrow inside…….. Luckily the next course was steak and chips.

Ebony and I managed to successfully navigate the buses home and now we’re resting ready to head back to Paris tomorrow. After very few hours sleep and lots to drink last night, we’re in need of some rest!


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