Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Eiffel Tower

The most famous destination in all of France is Paris’ Eiffel Tower. It is pretty cool but once you learn its history, and how much it was hated for so long, it makes you wonder…. How cool is it?

But it is cool, even for the second time round. Probably cooler this time, because it was a glorious day and we weren’t in a hurry. We ate lunch underneath it and then went to the Christmas markets over the road. There were lots of scammers around trying to get us to sign their bits of paper – I saw everyone going out of their way to avoid them, and every single person saying no no no to the scammer. I wonder how many people they actually rort? These guys are after signatures on what looks like a petition. Once your signature is there, they try to hold you to the fact that you just signed a document stating you’d pay them 200 euros. They must be successful, if only once every two weeks – because they wouldn’t do it otherwise, right?!

Our hostel provides breakfast, even if the toilets and showers are gross (as well as everything else gross about this place). Croissant, bread and coffee. Pretty good really. After breakfast we went to make sandwiches we’d got the stuff for the night before. Some bastard stole our meat! Seriously! We had it wrapped in a non-see through plastic bag, carefully with all our other ingredients. They yoinked our freaking meat! We were so looking forward to it as well. It was awesome prosciutto looking stuff.

Today will be henceforth known as the day of pastries. We had three pastries from three different shops, each today. And then for dinner we had ‘traditional’ French food in a Brasserie. I had steak and beans (the biggest plate of baby green beans you’ve ever seen – yum!). Ebony had a burger with cool shaped chips. It was most delicious and the waiter was very friendly. He didn’t like us being in our thongs (we’d walked all day and we have blisters) because it is cold outside (it is quite chilly). We looked like the most feral people in France. But who cares. The food was great and the service was great, until we had to wait 45mins for our bill. Now that was annoying!

Tomorrow we’re off to Caen. A friend of mine arrives (probably feeling much better than we did; bastards scored a business class upgrade!) tomorrow as well so hopefully we’ll catch them when we get to Caen. Yay for France.

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