Sunday, December 11, 2011

East Side Gallery, Berlin

We were going to head out of town again today but decided against it when we spent half the morning at the East Side Gallery. It’s an open air gallery that’s just a whole bunch of really interesting paintings along a 1.3km stretch of remaining Berlin Wall. The photos above are some of the cool paintings. There were so many!

So I still haven’t heard from that Brisbane job that offered me more money and more flexibility. It did take them about 2 months to get the last contract with me, so I imagine this won’t be different. The boss did say I’d get the new contract the day after we talked (which was 2.5weeks ago). Oh well.

From the gallery we walked in to town again and picked up some Christmas stuff. Wandered around, checked out the very busy Christmas markets, tried to have a look in some shops but hightailed it out of there when we realised just how busy it was (think Boxing Day sales). Ebony tried a pork sausage that was supposedly delicious.

Tonight we board a train to Paris overnight. Tomorrow morning we will be in Paris! More croissants for breakfast. Man, I’m going to have so much gym work and salad eating to do when I get home.

Oh, yeah – I bought a pair of pink Birkenstocks too! Mine have been well worn and are on their way out. I’ve been thinking of buying a new pair for a while. Today made my decision really easy. Brand new pairs at the price of 43 Euros, or $56 AUD. In Australia, Birkenstocks cost anywhere up to/more than $200. So I grabbed a pair. A pink pair. They won’t be practical, colour wise – but who cares. Nothing I own matches anything else, so why start now with a boring brown pair of Birkenstocks?

We’ll have dinner and clean our teeth tonight before we head to the train station (we’re hanging at our hostel) at about 6:30pm. Our train leaves at 8pm although I’m paranoid we’ll miss it, because it’s not like a plane where people help you and then call out your name when you’re not on board yet.

I’m sure we’ll be fine. We’ve made it this far.

I keep thinking of cool places that Ebony didn’t get to see, like Rome, Venice, Austria, Switzerland, Amsterdam…. And then of places that I would love to go to, like Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Belarus, Turkey, Morocco, Portugal, Slovakia, Croatia… And then I realise that there’s no way I’d make it to all those places in one go and that I need to calm down because I have a lifetime to visit great places……..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your EU tour!

Greetings from arctic UB! ;D

UB man