Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Birthday Weekend

I've never been a fan of claiming more days for your birthday than just your original day of birth. I guess with the exception of the unfortunate late February leap year babies who conveniently only have a birthday every fourth year and thus are entitiled to claim any day they wish as their celebrated birthday in the off years.

This weekend just past turned out to be a long birthday weekend. Including Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

I slept very well on Monday night.

In summary, Friday was busy drinking with Lai&Co re: her last legit Friday in Brisbane. It wasn't an emotional night, which is just how I like it. After a work lunch (sans drinks; what oil and gas company doesn't provide at least a drink... nevermind), I continued to the pub and drank steadily until 9pm when I started spreading rumours, caught myself doing so and promptly stopped drinking. I remember arguing that no - my ass isn't smoking hot; I AM smoking hot. Not just my ass.

I'm really glad I stopped drinking early. It was in a bid to a. maintain composure (although I did get kicked out of a bar for doing laybacks with a guy who couldn't dance, when some cool latin music was being played) and b. prevent an epic hangover.

Turns out I may as well have been super hungover, as I didn't actually sleep much. I had to wake up my friend to let me in my house because I'd managed to give him both my house keys and couldn't get in. Then I slept on Monica's couch and moved to Sarah's couch. The beauty of living in the largest house in history means you have a lot of choice as to where you sleep when your bed's been taken. The shitty party was just that I only had 3 hours to sleep before I had to get up to cook breakfast and start the rest of my weekend - AND enjoy my birthday.

And enjoy I did. Grandma had arrived early on the Friday night and got drunk at home with Monica. Matt and Jen had arrived from the airport courtesy of Alicia. Monica and Sarah were ready for breakfast too. I'd inconveniently packed my cookbooks away and still scarred from my last crap attempt at making pancakes sans recipe, I googled a recipe and we made some very fat and fluffy pancakes. Delicious but didn't help wake me up.

The day continues. I send grandma and matt to get their teeth cleaned with Monica. I go and get a haircut (which: I have to admit is pretty nice; definitely a lot more hacked out than usual but this time I don't mind as I've got an entire year to regrow it!). We make mini chocolate mud cake cupcakes with awesome ganache icing (see above) and mini oreos.

Jen and I decorated and cleaned up and organised and prepared food and all that jazz. The daiquiri machine started producing nice clumpy daiquiris and people started arriving. It was about 4pm and the night went on from there. Mum arrived which was super exciting. She was wearing bright yellow, as was grandma. I was also wearing bright yellow, but instead in the form of the most amazing Cue dress I own. Genuine mistake; we didn't care enough to get changed.

35L of daiquiris, 6kg of pizza, 5kg of sausage rolls, 4kg of chicken wings, 100 mini cupcakes and a pavlova later, I got to bed. It was 3am. I had the most fantastic night. 50 people all up - which is 37 up on the turnout of last year's 24th birthday. I must admit; a pretty impressive increase in friends. I love Brisbane! I love living somewhere that I can meet people I actually love to be friends with. And that I can do so many things and make so many new friends! Tennis lessons, hockey, netball, touch football, ballet lessons (albeit the two classes I went to; I was too busy!), photography courses, shopping with new friends, gym sessions, work drinking sessions...... Who would have thought there's enough time to do things as WELL as work.... *bliss* (that's a bit of a poke at my previous job; if you don't get it).

Without going in to too much detail of the happenings of the night: we forgot earth hour til the last 5mins (obviously not important for exploration geo's working in oil and gas. We know we've got lots); we ate a LOT; we made a MASSIVE mess, we spilt a LOT of green daiquiris everywhere including on the washing machine; we laughed and talked all night........

And then woke up 4 hours later and made bacon and eggs and mushrooms for breakfast. Delicious. Matt and Jen went home - Grandma, mum and I attempted to go shopping but it was pretty dismal due to my bad (aka tired) attitude. We sat in front of the tv and were glad we cleaned up early instead of later.

Monday morning - mum and grandma left and my furniture got moved. Sarah's got it now, which is a relief. I know she'll look after it and hopefully love it while I'm gone. Monday avo - work. Joe's (new operations geologist taking my role) got it down pat.

Now: I'm organising myself and I'm so anxious my anti-stress tablets aren't even working. And I can't go to the gym because I'll puke because I just ate a second breakfast. Nevermind. I brought that upon myself!!!!
Now: Photo time! there were some fantastic photos from Saturday night. These are my personal favourites

Right. I think I used up my photo limit for this page. They're not my favourites; I was too lazy to find them. But these are definitely my almost-favourites! Will add more as time allows (which should be fine as the last week of work is pretty sweet!)


stngcloud said...

Dear Sally,

That was an awesome couple of days/party. Double tick for the sausage rolls.

Re: laybacks - don't you hate it when the boy is the terrible dancer and when you try to do the layback and end up on the floor, bouncers ALWAYS blame the girl. So unfair.

salberries said...

Haha. Yes, Lai. You're right. It is tough when you end up on the floor - or worse - on your head. It makes YOU look like the drunk one. Trick is - finding someone who can ACTUALLY dance. Maybe we should try that one time.
Love, Sally