Friday, April 1, 2011

Last day of work

I started working for Origin in September 2009. It was a great move. I went from a small town with no friends and nothing to do (but conveniently close to home) - to a large-ish city with lots of friends and too much to do.

It's been great! My job's been ....... well, apart from the shitty shitty shitty on-call nature of the job, it's been great.

And now I'm leaving - maybe forever, maybe not. Which kind of makes me happy because it's not definitive and it's a lot easier to say goodbye when people expect to see you again.

Nevertheless, I am very much intending on getting very drunk tonight, starting this afternoon. I'm pretty anxious about saying goodbye to everyone. I'm kind of over re-explaining what I'm going to do ("I'm volunteering through Ausaid with the World Bank helping to increase sustainability of pastures/creating risk management strategies/reassessing participatory resource management strategies and helping the government make some rules about land management") - but mainly because I get the feeling that people either a. don't care or b. get jealous that they've not organised themselves to do something similar.

So I've taken two anti-stress tablets today and treated myself to a delicious croissant and chai latte (consumed at the bus stop). My tongue's burnt because I was too keen to drink the chai.

Lai's last day today at her work too. It's so cool that we're leaving on the same day. It kind of feels like, if I had have had a twin - this is what it would feel like. Having someone go through the same things at the same time. It's cool!

The atmosphere at work today is pretty awesome. It is casual Friday but that doesn't usually make much difference. Everyone's happy and cheery and talky. I wish it was like this all the time.

I'm going to miss the view. The access to unlimited stationery supplies. Talking in English and learning things in English. My awesome two very large computer screens. My outlook calendar that organises my entire life. My amazing little work lapop. (most of) the people I work with..........

Nevermind. 24 days to go til I'm in Mongolia. It's -15degrees right now but it's early morning. I imagine it will get up to about +5 today, which is still kangaroo fur coat weather.

Oh and I didn't mention I'm wearing my beetle dress. Beetle dress = good day.

It's going to be a good day.

1 comment:

stngcloud said...

Dear Sally,

Thanks for the shout out. Youre right. If i had to leave by myself it would be twice as hard, but I get to share it with you!

Its funny you mention the stationery supplies - I have also swiped a sufficient amount of stationery to get me through next year!

x Lai

Have a great time tonight - i will be there in spirit :(