Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Nat Geo article on Mongolia

I was going to copy and paste (and reference) this entire article, as I know some people will be too lazy to actually go to the webpage, but then - you should see it all - photos and all. It's great! It says things that I would never be able to articulate about Mongolia. There's nothing in the article that's new news to me, but it's all super interesting. The photos are great too. Go have a look for yourself!

I just got told I have to do my presentation - the boss walked, in - in a hurry - and announced I am doing my presentation. Now. I was suppose to do it about 3 weeks ago. I don't even want to do it. I don't care about it, they won't listen and I just... couldn't... give a shit. I LOVE giving presentations. These ones are just like ripping off a bandaid.

I hate using computers that has everything fake on it. I have fake copies of everything that makes a computer function. It means that right now, I have no sound in my laptop - none. It just says it can't play sound. And it can, because I used it yesterday. And I need it now. Piece of crap. It's part of my communication presentation - we're going to listen to the news.

It's raining today. It doesn't rain much in UB and especially not in October. It's really cool - except there's no drainage at all, so all the water just hangs around and you're guaranteed to get wet. Passing cars have no mercy and go out of their way to wet you. It drives me nuts. Most of the time I feel like there is no compassion or consideration towards others in Mongolia and it is really disheartening.

Off to do this bloody presentation.

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