Sunday, October 9, 2011

Monochrome Mongolia

It’s been a busy moral week. My housemates bought home a dumped puppy. I didn’t want it. It’s a cute thing, but it’s mean to have a dog inside and we won’t be here forever to keep it. After three days, one housemate decided that she didn’t want the pup anymore. It made the house smell, and it growled at her once. It was 6 weeks old – that’s what puppies do.

I know that lots of animals get dumped because people don’t realise how much effort they are, but I never actually thought that someone could dump an animal, having committed to it. I was being naive about it – and now I’ve had first hand experience.

She wanted to put the dog back on the street. It would freeze to death, be run over, or live to have more litters of street puppies with no homes. I couldn’t give it to someone else as I couldn’t guarantee that the same thing wouldn’t happen to the poor thing a third time round.

My other housemate and I talked it over a bazillion times. We talked to a lot of different people about it, and we decided it was best to put her to sleep. It was the only way I could ensure she wouldn’t suffer. It cost 12800 tugriks.

These photos are from the roof at my work. The pollution is getting bad now. You can see how smoggy it is in the photos.

I have three more weeks of work.

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